Personal Information Collection Statement ("Statement")

Karta-X Technologies Limited ("Karta-X", "we", "us" or "our", including our successors and assigns)

This Statement informs you of the purpose for which your personal data collected may be used, to whom it may be transferred and who is to handle data access/ correction requests.

Information collection and use

We may collect personal information from time to time such as the name, address, telephone number, fax number, business title, email address, etc. about individual contact persons of your companies ("Personal Data") when you submit inquiries to Karta-X, attend our events, request goods and services from us or communicate with us. If the necessary Personal Data is not provided, we may be unable to process your requests, or to provide or continue to provide services. When you provide Personal Data relating to another person (including any individual contact person, employee or representative of your companies), you should obtain that person's prior consent and provide a copy of this Statement to him/her, so that he/she is aware of how we may use his/her Personal Data.

We may use Personal Data for the following purposes (or any of them) from time to time:

(a) processing your requests, and providing services to you;

(b) following-up your enquiries;

(c) entering and enforcing agreement with you;

(d) sending you information and promotional materials regarding our services;

(e) complying with any laws, regulations or guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities; and (f) purposes relating to any of the above. If you do not wish to receive information or promotional materials from us, please e-mail to us at

Use of cookies

When you visit our website, we record your visit only as a "hit" and do not collect any personally identifiable information from you. On the other hand, "cookies" will be stored in the web browser of your computer if you have enabled the function. A "cookie" is a piece of information sent from a website while you are browsing a website. It records your preferences and stored in your web browser. We use cookies to track users' visits to the website to provide better user experience and customized services. We will not use cookies to collect any personal data from you. You can disable the cookies on your web browser but if you disable cookies, you may not be able to use some of the features on our website such as selecting the preferred language.

Data security and disclosure

We use encryption technology to encrypt data during network transmission to protect your personal information. All such information you provide us that is stored electronically is password-protected. Personal Data collected and held by us is placed in restricted areas, and access to it is restricted to authorised personnel only. We keep all Personal Data confidential but may disclose or transfer the Personal Data to the following classes of persons or any one of them (whether within or outside Hong Kong) from time to time for the purposes set out above:

(a) our service providers, insurance brokers, banks, financiers, trade associations, global export credit agencies, liquidators, receivers and debt collectors;

(b) persons who owe a duty of confidentiality to us, including accountants, auditors, legal advisers and other professional advisers engaged by us;

(c) persons to whom we are under any obligations or requirements to disclose Personal Data by any laws, regulations or guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities or law enforcement agency, or by any court or judicial body; and

(d) persons to whom we are required to disclose Personal Data by any policies and measures implemented by us for prevention or detection of money laundering, terrorist financing or other unlawful activities or suspicious activities.

Access and Correction of Personal Data

Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, an individual has the right to request access to his/her Personal Data and require us to correct any incorrect Personal Data. Such data access request or data correction request should be made in writing and sent to our Compliance Officer by email by post to Karta-X Technologies Limited, Rm 316, 3/F., Building 19W, No. 19 Science Park West Ave., Shatin. We have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.