Monitoring equipment vulnerability
Due to temperature and climate conditions, the camera shell will get damaged or the internal network may experience short circuits.
Capabilities and limitations of monitors
Power generator&fibre cable
How we can help
Our camera shell is made of special materials that are resistant to high temperatures and high pressure resistance. Powerful 5G-enabled for stable signal, ensuring 24/7 operation.
Battery-powered flexible than power generator&fibre cable, Stable supply with enduring battery, Completely hassle-free, No need cables to power
Battery-based design stable guaranteed
Solar 5G camera-Always Online
Plug &play, easy to dismantle and re-assemble
In the "2024 Business Go Virtual" event, our company has been selected as the winner of the Excellence Award for Tech Company of the Year (SME) - Technology Application. We competed with our advanced SAFER AI CAMERA 5GBC!